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Originally this project began as an exploration of the rules and regulations of fossil hunting on the Jurassic Coast, particularly Lyme Regis. After conducting some secondary research I felt like creating a piece of graphic communication to convey the specific rules and issues with fossil hunting was not solving the issue. I had also conducted some research into the fossil hunter Mary Anning, who was from Lyme Regis.


This research left me shocked at the extent in which Anning struggled within the scientific community with the 1800’s because of her gender. This led me to conduct some primary research into the timeline of Mary Anning’s life in which I was able to create images that highlighted the impact she had on our understanding of our earth. This is when I decided that I wanted to create a piece of work that would explore and teach the public about the injustice Anning faced and how important it is that women work within paleontology. I decided on creating a poster series that would feature in magazine form to illustrate her lifetime. I experimented to finally create images using a variety of medias that were inspired by my research into early scientific drawings and dual image graphics.


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